The Gung Ho AW23 Press Day Zine

Press Day AW23: ‘Make it Yours’ told the stories of each of our brands as items we will use, own and cherish, spotlighting how they can be incorporated into your life with a genuine purpose.


We celebrated with our friends and community including press, talent, stylists, models, creatives and influencers. Our guests were invited to style pieces from our brands latest AW collections, highlighting how we as individuals make the things we own ‘our own’.


Photographer Arthur Comely captured each individual street style look around our neighbourhood, Hoxton, Shoreditch, together to create our Press Day zine.


Designed by our very own Gung Ho Creative Studio, each collaborator and brand received a printed copy of their own, representing a tangible memory of our best Press Day yet.


View the full zine here.


Spheres, Stories and the Future of Experiential Activations.

